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Condensation Solutions

Condensation is probably the most common type of dampness in buildings. Condensation can cause mould growth on walls, ceilings, fabrics and clothing and can lead to potential health issues as well as damage to the interior of the property.

Insufficient ventilation, poor heating and a lack of insulation commonly result in cases of condensation. Single storey dwellings such as apartments and bungalows are especially prone to condensation issues, being constructed in one storey without the benefit of a greater circulation of air through the staircase space.

BAR Preservation along with leading specialist ventilation manufacturers can offer positive input ventilation systems (PIV) to help manage condensation.  We can also aid with the control of the mould growth and removal with specialist mould washes and specifications for anti mould paint systems.

Bad example of condensation mould all over walls and ceiling

What Causes Condensation?

People often mistakenly assume that mould growth, musty smells, streaming windows, wet curtains or pools of water on window sills are as a result of rising or penetrating damp, however this is not generally the case. Very often these problems are caused by condensation.

Discover more about condensation and its causes.

BAR Preservation Can Help Reduce Condensation

Heat Recovery Ventilators

To aid in controlling condensation in single rooms or small dwellings BAR Preservation often recommend a heat recovery ventilation system. This system provides a continuous change of air; continuously replacing stale damp air with fresh, filtered, warmed air from outside. Heat recovery ventilators are economical and recover around 73% of exhaust heat; replacing conventional extractor fans with heat recovery systems could save more than half of the energy used.

Positive Input Ventilation

For whole house ventilation, a positive input ventilation system can be recommended. The main ventilation unit is usually placed in a loft space to utilise the dry and relatively warm air found there to provide a continuous supply of fresh air to the whole property. Via an inconspicuous, unobtrusive vent, usually positioned in a central point of the dwelling like the top of the stairs or in a hallway ceiling, the system gently replaces stale moist air found in the house with clean dry filtered air.

The fresh dry air mixes with the existing air and distributes throughout the whole of the property. The whole house then becomes slightly pressurised with new fresh dry air circulating throughout the property, thus eliminating any stagnant pockets of air. The slight positive pressure causes air to gradually leak out through windows, doors, grilles and other natural crevices leaving drier, filtered air left within: A significant improvement is often seen within a few days of installation.

As well as removing the problem of condensation these systems also help remove fumes from tobacco and exhausts, chemical emissions such as from cleaning products, dust from furniture, carpets and bedding, and pet odours.